Laboratory Management
This module automates the process of raising investigation request and generates
the reports immediately after values entry. The process involved
is specimen sample collection, requisite test and results entry. Lab technicians
can always track the samples and know the status. If any lab test required to be
done on urgent basis as requested, system will alert the lab and they
can carry out the investigation. This module manages:-
- Provision to add lab test group and subgroups
- Provision to add reference range for each test, category wise.
- Provision to add sample types and lab units being used.
- Create Profiles and packages for Particular tests.
- Instant Test Allocation
- Provision to add collected sample detail.
- Easy creation of lab reports.
This module displays all lab test services that patient needs to go through and charges been levied
and generates an automated billing as per those services. Very simple and user-friendly software and hence doesn't require any kind of special training.
Any kind of tests, profiles or packages can be allocated to the patient and can be proceeded accordingly.
A quick and easy billing system with an intelligent search of Lab tests by just pressing initial letters.
This module includes:-
- Provision to add lab tests and automaically displays the charges set at Lab Charges Master.
- Tax master that may be required to include in billing.
- Patient cash and credit billing.
- Advance collection utility.
- Authorize billing for recheck and then finalization of billing.
- Provision to search old bills with easy search strings like patient name, mobile
no., emaild-ID and so on.
Staff, HR & Payroll Management
This module allows registering each and every staff members of the Laboratory. Also,
the consultant doctors can be registered here with a separate block of consultants in case if laboratory has availability of
doctors.Easy retrieval of Staff Members with the help of various search strings like Staff
Name, phone number, email ID, staff code etc. This module includes:-
- Provision to manage and view Departments and Staff Designations
- Provision to add Staff Type and Specializations.
- Provision to set staff timings includes Doctors.
- Easy and instant search utility to search staff members.
- Creation of Salary structure, pay calculation, printing of salary slips, salary
certificates, PF statements and so on.
- Other activities like appointing staff, maintaining their database including their
bio-data, fixing allowances and deductions, Loan and advances,
termination process etc.
- Employee documents like Photograph, ID card, Address proof, Passport, municipality
documents, agreements etc can be scanned and attached in the software.
Inventory Management & Purchase
This module deals with the purchase of items required in Laboratory, issue of those
items into Lab, maintenance of stock and setting up the minimum
stock / reorder level for each stock. This module includes:-
- Provision to raise purchase request for any item.
- Assigned authority approves or declines the purchase
- Purchase order generation and processing.
- Allocation of purchased items to the requested departments.
- Vendor management and payments.
- Stock requisition from departments.
- Stock expiry.
- Stock management.
- Reorder level setting.
Internal Communication System
This module is an innovative and special feature in C LabVantage Laboratory management
system software. It enables all staff users to communicate among themselves electronically
for official reasons rather than visiting the concerned person for any such discussions.
Departmental message can also be sent by administrator which is common to the staff
of that particular department. In a same way any kind of document can also be shared
among other staff as per requirement. Thus reducing paper work and saves good time
to utilize it in a better way for Laboratory management.
Security & Administration
This module deals with security by managing / controlling the access to various
modules and sub-modules available in the software. This module
- Provision to Create / manage users.
- Provision to allocate role to the respective user.
- Provision to create / manage roles and assigning privileges and permission of information
to the corresponding role.
MIS Reports
Management information system reports are available for every module for the analysis
& monitoring by top management of the laboratory. Various kinds of MIS reports are:-
- Date wise Patient registration report
- Collection report
- Revenue report
- List of patients consulting doctor wise.
- Investigations report
- List of tests carried out daily (date range)
- Stock purchase requisitions
- Billing rates for various tests.
- Also, we have many more reports and can add more reports as per requirement.